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giovedì 14 febbraio 2008

I hope that I don' t fall in love with you

Well, I hope that I don't fall in love with you,
'Cause falling in love just makes me blue.
Well, the music plays and you display
Your heart for me to see.
I had a beer and now I hear
You calling out for me.
And I hope that I don't fall in love with you.

Well, the room is crowded, people everywhere,
And I wonder, should I offer you a chair?
Well, if you sit down with this old clown,
Take that frown and break it,
Before the evening's gone away,
I think that we could make it.
And I hope that I don't fall in love with you.

Well, the night does funny things inside a man.
These old tomcat feelings you don't understand.
Well, I turn around and look at you,
You light a cigarette,
I wish I had the guts to bum one,
But we've never met.
And I hope that I don't fall in love with you.

I can see that you are lonesome just like me,
And it being late you'd like some company.
Well, I turn around and look at you,
And you look back at me.
The guy you're with, he's up and split,
The chair next to you's free.
And I hope that you don't fall in love with me.

Now it's closing time, the music's fading out.
Last call for drinks, I'll have another stout.
Well I turn around to look at you,
you're nowhere to be found,
I search the place for your lost face,
guess I'll have another round
And I think that I just fell in love with you.


domenica 3 febbraio 2008

Ci risiamo...m'è cascato il governo!!

E ti pareva!!
Non che avessi mai avuto un dubbio su come sarebbe andata a finire, ma per lo meno speravo in una fine più elegante.
Ma il potere degli amichetti, anzi, dei nemichetti dell'opposizione tanto ha potuto..
oh poveri noi!
adesso piangiamo tutti che torna Berlusconi brutto e cattivo invece di esserci incazzati come le iene perchè il governo di sinistra ( come mi suona falsooooooooo) non ha fatto l'unica cosa che doveva, ossia, la legge sul conflitto di interesse.
L'italia scivola nel medio evo... ma ne era mai uscita?
Torna l'oscurantismo dell'informazione... ah beh con tutta quella bella televisione che ci hanno propinato fino a oggi..
I cervelli in fuga.. per forza, chiunque ce l'ha, un cervello, desidera solo emigrare da un paese come questo.
io, da parte mia continuo a tirare sassate virtuali . Almeno mi sfogo